Post Construction Services

The goal of our construction effort is the delivery of a problem-free building.

We take responsibility for what we build. We give our clients a complete and fully operational project, the knowledge to use and maintain it, and the assurance that we are available to help resolve issues should they occur.

Our post-construction services are designed to ensure not only the quality of your experience, but also the functionality of your facility when construction is complete. 

Our Post Construction Services include:

  • Final Inspections and Occupancy Permit
  • Owner Move-in Coordination
  • Staff Training Coordination with detailed training on the building and systems with your on-site staff
  • Punch List Completion of details to ensure your final quality satisfaction
  • Project Closeout including a complete index of subcontractors and contact information, warranty information, maintenance information and as-built drawings
  • 365 Warranty a full one year warranty on our work for resolution to any project concerns.
  • Warranty Response Notification designed to provide a single source for warranty responsibility; we ensure any potential concerns are addressed. Your project manager tracks, monitors, and addresses any warranty considerations within your completed facility.
  • One Year Walk Through to ensure resolution of any potential issues with warranties or punch list items.
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